CET Code - E129
PGCET Code : MBA - B300 MCA -C484

Dr Anand Rajendran

I am interested in teaching both undergraduate and graduate classes. I would like to offer undergraduate courses on databases systems, IoT, IT for Healthcare and Cloud computing.At the graduate-level, I will offer a course on advanced topics in databases to provide students with the background needed for performing cutting-edge research in this area. I am also interested in teaching introductory courses to computer science (e.g. C, Java or Python). I am a strong believer that every student can excel if they are provided with the right motivation and guidance. The greatest asset that I can equip my students with is a leaing mentality; the belief that with determination and hard work, they can lea anything.

IRINS Profile


QualificationB.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D



  • 1990

Madurai Kamaraj University

  • 1995
PG Degree

Manonmaniam Sundaranar Unviersity

  • 2015
Doctoral Degree

A Data Mining Framework for Building Healthcare Information System
SCSVMV Kanchipuram


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